Manage your mining site with

Powered by Charis Analytics

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See how Charis Analytics can transform
your job for the better

Mining companies face challenges in:

Acquiring accurate topographical and exploration data for effective mining planning

Establishing detailed digital records for continuous accessibility to mine site performance by teams and stakeholders.

Implementing near-real-time monitoring to prevent theft during mining activities.

Creating 3D records for inspection purposes and ensuring compliance with environmental protection obligations.

Achieving precise measurement of stockpile volumes for mined resources.

Implementing robust cybersecurity measures to protect sensitive project data during the sharing of digital records.

Topographical and Exploration Data

Utilizing drone technology and GIS, Charis Analytics provides mining companies with accurate and up-todate topographical and exploration data crucial for strategic mining planning.

Real-time Monitoring

The platform employs AI algorithms to enable near-real-time monitoring of mining activities, enhancing security measures and preventing theft incidents.

Stockpile Volume Measurement

Through the integration of drone technology, Charis Analytics facilitates precise measurement of stockpile volumes for mined resources, ensuring efficient resource management.

Digital Records Accessibility

Leveraging its online interface, Charis Analytics creates detailed digital records accessible around the clock, providing teams and stakeholders with continuous insights into mine site performance.

3D Records for Compliance

The platform utilizes GIS to generate 3D records for inspection purposes, ensuring mining companies meet environmental protection obligations and compliance standards.

Cybersecurity Measures

Charis Analytics implements robust cybersecurity measures to safeguard sensitive project data during the secure sharing of digital records, ensuring data integrity and confidentiality.

How it works

Discover Your Needs

First, we conduct a 15 minute free consultation meeting to determine your specific needs at your worksites, ensuring we understand exactly what you're looking for.

Design Your Plan

Second, we'll develop a customized plan for regular automated drone data collection and processing. This plan will be tailored to your specific needs and will ensure That you get the data you need to make informed decisions about your worksite project.

24/7 Access to Your Worksite Data

Once we've collected and processed the data you'll have 24/7 access to it through our online platform, Charis Analytics. No matter where you are or what time it is, your data is a ways at your fingertips

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